Mini bios are always awkward and hard to write… Is my life something that people are dying to read about?

Do people really care to know what I enjoy to do? Probably not. If you like someone’s painting- (unless they’re super famous) you say, “Wow, I like their artwork” or “that poem was phenomenal”. Unless you are a big name people aren’t like “Wow Emma Guthrie is great at writing blog-posts”. The end goal is to have your name identifiable- (or maybe it’s not). Anyway, those are my opinions on introductions. One last morsel of food for thought:

Sonder: The realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own.

And now the facts: I’m 5’9” and I like to wear heels. I work in a group-home which is something I would have never imagined last year. It’s inspirational to know that there are unguessable events hiding in the future. I have had a blog for a little while now but haven’t posted since last year. I enjoy Instagram, coffee, and wine wayyyyy too much so I guess that makes me a white girl. I am in a vicious cycle of eating donuts every meal and working out to work off the donuts. I draw, paint, and read in my spare time. Last but not least, one of my New Years Resolutions is to get my motorcycle permit.



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